welcome to staticpug ;)

welcome to staticpug ;) header image

Intro to the staticpug

Welcome to this beautiful static website of yours

If you see this page it means you have executed the npx sp-init command and the files are generated, then you executed the npx sp-build command and the html files generated from templates and you opened the website using any static website viewer.

In case you need to use inner functions in your code:

// It's possible to use individual functions of this package :)
const { renderHTMLs, copyStatics } = require('staticpug')

renderHTMLs(sourceDirectory, destinationDirectory).then(result=>{
functionality explanation
copy files recursively gets two directory as parameters, copy everything in first directory to second directory
generate htmls read pug files, related markdown-folder, related json file and polar file that is the index of markdown-folder and generate html

Tank you for using this package, don't hesitate to contribute

Powered by pugjs, markedjs (to work), also used the beautiful bootstrap jQuery that cames beside the bootstrap!

Developed by easa

staticpug first post 

Published on 2/6/2020 by Eisa Nodehi